The TRUE Brother Initiative is a comprehensive development initiative that benefits new members, initiated members, and alumni of Lambda Chi Alpha. The foundation for the True Brother Initiative is formed by the Seven Core Values of Lambda Chi Alpha – Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Service and Stewardship, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage.
About TRUE Brotherhood
No longer satisfied with how false concepts and inappropriate stereotypes contribute to the modern day fraternity experience, Lambda Chi Alpha recognizes our Seven Core Values as the foundation of our brotherhood, and these values are fully incorporated into all aspects of operations. From the beginning of a man’s Lambda Chi Alpha experience, these values are instilled and cultivated through a tactical approach to values based recruiting, lifelong values education, and meaningful ritualism.
In addition to embracing core values and developing our brothers beyond initiation, Lambda Chi Alpha has made the shift to utilize the educational and developmental model, termed the Lambda Chi Alpha Learning Model, in approaching all aspects of operations affecting our constituencies. From new members and active brothers to alumni, staff, and more, the model is rooted in concepts like mentorship and role modeling, commitment, and servant leadership.
At the undergraduate level, chapters and colonies are expected to embrace values-based recruitment and values-based education by incorporating and utilizing the Seven Core Values and Lambda Chi Alpha’s Learning Model in their chapter operations.
Values-based recruitment is being committed to actively seek, recruit, and bid prospective members that are predisposed to our ideals and core values, as well as showing a commitment to values by developing events and activities during recruitment and throughout the year that are centered on the Seven Core Values.
After being recruited and experiencing the Associate Member Ceremony, new Associate Members are then given full and equal rights and responsibilities of membership. These responsibilities include the expectation to grow and develop within the Seven Core Values through participation in meaningful values-based experiences.
Rooted in the backbone of Lambda Chi Alpha’s educational and developmental model is ritualism. The use of both exoteric and esoteric symbolism to teach important life lessons is intended to leave members with mentally salient values motivations. In no way is ritualism in Lambda Chi Alpha meant to be mystic or confusing. Instead, it’s performances are meant to teach, inspire, and bring members closer together.
Reflective exercises associated with each developmental level ensure that brothers do not miss the meaning of their experiences. The general developmental movement within the initiated brother component is always towards a more complex and encompassing view of self, of others, and of fraternity. The entire developmental journey is about systematically growing men of value by fundamentally shaping who they are (emotional understanding), what they know (cognitive understanding), and what they can do (behavioral understanding).
The True Brother journey outlined in this program is designed to support successful development by maximizing the positive influence of peers and mentors, and moving our brothers towards an increased capacity for self-reflection and self-awareness. This program sets up goals of leadership, stewardship, learning and service and explicates a range of core values associated with being a true brother which when pursued, lead toward a better tomorrow.
Four Roles of TRUE Brotherhood
FAITHFUL STEWARD: Appreciates the direct application of Core Values toward the up building of the Fraternity and its members. A tempered faith is established through the acknowledgement of intention within decision making, toward leaving a more positive legacy than previously expected, by being stewards to the welfare of the future.
SERVANT LEADER: Perseveres through reflective development in service to others and the internalization of Core Values. Judgement is sought in the awareness that others look to the Servant Leader as a role model, teacher, mentor, and coach. A dedication to continued growth drives investigation into the role fraternalism has in personal development in non-fraternal contexts.
LEADER OF CHARACTER: Crystalized beliefs bring accountability to ethical decision making within leadership. A heightened awareness of the complexity of situations is quelled through the unconscious application of Core Values. The Inspiration of values congruency becomes synonymous with leadership.
LIFETIME BROTHER: Unswerving dedication to the ideals of membership and to the members becomes intensely ingrained. Core Values are integral to self-identity and are complex in their definition and application. Situations are examined, decisions are weighed, and plans are implemented – not just moments ahead, but days, months, years ahead.